НАУЧНАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА Томского государственного университета

Сhinese from Scratch

Time: Wednesday, 16:30

Place: International Resource Center

Description: Chinese from Scratch is a club for those who just started to learn the Chinese language and culture, and for A1 - A2 language learners. The club participants learn the peculiarities of Chinese grammar, study the vocabulary on such topics as weather, family, colors, art, etc., and learn to pronounce new words correctly. Here one can also practice writing Chinese characters. The club is held in English and Chinese.


Moderator: Zong Yang, a Chinese student, is currently studying translation at the TSU Faculty of Foreign Languages. Chinese is her mother tongue, she learnt English in her home country, and Spanish - here, at TSU. She is interested in philosophy and psychology as well as in topics that “bring comfort to the mind”. According to her words, she adores cooking.

Contacts: irc@lib.tsu.ru, tel: (3822) 78-51-03.




